Monday, March 11, 2013

Final Thoughts

Through this course, my writing has changed to include a lot more personal thoughts. The blog posts weren’t extremely formal but they also weren’t completely informal. These blog posts allowed me to find an in-between in my writing style. They allowed me to add my opinions whilst also analyzing the piece of writing. This course allowed me to develop a completely new style of writing that I had not had much experience with before. This new style will be helpful in other course I take at DU because writing assignments are not always formal and this course has allowed me to explore that style. As far as my news-reading habits go, I would love to say that this course has changed my habits and that I will start reading the news daily or even weekly but that is just not the case. It was nice to have the ‘requirement’ to read the news but I know that I will not keep it up after this course.

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