Sunday, February 3, 2013

My News Source

I would love to say that I read the news everyday but that would be a lie. I think it is important to be current with what is happening in the world but sadly I am not. I have been reading The New York Times for this class so for the past four weeks that is where I have been getting my news. The way I hear about news is either through someone telling me about something or reading about it on a social networking site. When going through my newsfeed on Facebook, if I find a status about a news article I will read it if the topic interests me but if not I will just continue going through my newsfeed. If something really big happens the news spreads so quickly that I wouldn’t be oblivious to what is happening but I cannot say that I am the person who would start the conversation about what is happening right now. I don’t watch any news channels on TV and I definitely don’t read newspapers. So when I do read the news I would most likely use the online version of The New York Times as my source. The sad truth is that at one point I didn’t even know who the Prime Minister of England was, and I am English… I now know that it is David Cameron.

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