Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Creating A Blog

I have created a blog before, not on blogger.com, so this was not a completely new experience for me. However, thinking of a title for this blog was definitely a challenge for me. I am not the most creative person in the world so "Charlotte's Blog" would have been fine in my mind. Instead, I decided to use a line from one of my favourite poems, "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost. My other blog is very different compared to this one and is mainly full of pictures, quotes, or videos that I like or find interesting. Creating a blog just for writing was not something that I thought I would ever do yet here I am.
There are many similarities between Facebook and blogging. Through both you can express your thoughts, post pictures, and look at other people’s pages/blogs. However, with a blog if you have a bigger opportunity to share your actual thoughts. People on Facebook share their thoughts with a short status update but on a blog you can rant on for paragraphs about what you think. Also, I noticed around election time that my friends on Facebook would get mad if people were trying to influence your thoughts about a presidential candidate. On a blog though you can talk about whatever you want. People don’t complain as much about what you write on your personal blog. I would say that the main difference between Facebook and blogs is that you have more freedom to talk about whatever floats your boat on a blog.
Whether you are writing a blog, a book, an article, or a research paper I would consider that person a writer.  The main difference between the different kinds of writing is the audience and how the writer should present their ideas. If I were writing a research paper I would want my writing to be very professional and well proofed but with a blog it doesn’t have to be the best writing I have ever done. A blog is a place to express your thoughts but you are still writing.

1 comment:

  1. I like how you talked about how people can be considered writers in various settings. I thought that was a neat thing to mention.
