Tuesday, January 22, 2013

My Reflections On Blogging

My previous blogging experience has mainly been with photos, videos, or very short quotes so this blog has been a whole new experience for me. Sharing my writing on a blog is still a very odd concept for me. The most challenging part of writing this blog was deciding how formal or informal I should be. I struggled with trying to put my own voice into my post but at the same time keeping the post somewhat formal. The most surprising part of this blog would definitely be how easy it was to write more than 250 words. When I first read that the posts only had to be 250 words I didn’t really think about how few words it actually is. The more I write these posts the easier it is for me to go over 250 words. I also find that it is easier for me to write more when I am responding to an article than when I am reflecting about my work or my blogging experience. My attitude towards blogging has changed slightly in the sense that I can now appreciate written blogs more. Before this class and this blog I didn’t really think about the purpose of a blog for writing but now I can see how it can be a chance for your ideas to be heard or just somewhere to put your thoughts. If I stumbled upon a written blog I never used to think twice about moving on to the next blog or webpage. Now, if the topic of the blog interests me I would actually stop and read some of the posts because I can appreciate the time, effort, and thought behind the posts.


  1. That's interesting, that responding to other writing is easier for you than blogging about personal experiences. I think it's the other way for a lot of people. That is good, though, because as Harris writes, responding to the work of others is at the heart of intellectual and academic writing.

  2. I agree with you that personal experiences are harder to write about than responding to an article we have read for class. And I have had a similar experience that my perceptions of blogs and bloggers have definitely changed since the beginning of this course.
