Sunday, January 13, 2013


Harris defines writing, specifically academic writing, as a response to someone else’s writing. He also defines it as a rewriting of someone else’s work. Harris asks “how do you make their words and thoughts part of what you want to say?”(1). I think this idea relates to how he believes we should read something to which we are intending to respond. If we read something whilst thinking about how you would say that in your own words you are already one step closer to writing a response to that text. Harris looks at the purpose of writing not only as rewriting someone else’s ideas but also adding your own ideas. He states, “you quote from a text to show what our perspective on it makes visible”(20).  By quoting Harris I want to show his original ideas in my work but also add his ideas to what I think and what I thought of his ideas.
            Harris talks about how we rewrite others work when we write our own text. Sullivan talks about how many other ideas and links are created from just one blog post. Sullivan talks about how “a blogger splashes gamely into a subject and dares the sources to come to him” which is similar to Harris’ idea about how we respond and rewrite. I also think Harris and Sullivan share similar thoughts on how writing should include your own thoughts. Sullivan talks about how a blog is your own and you can do with it whatever you please and Harris talks about how we should always include our own thoughts not just the rewritten thoughts of other writers.

1 comment:

  1. Good summary of Harris. I especially liked how you commented at the end of your use of Harris in your summary.
